Okkult Nature Art
The Rauchnächte are over. Here we go with the infos about the Summer Solstice Celebration 2015. We hope that all of you had a great start into the new year.
There are very important things for you to know as a part of our Celebration:
Please notice that we are a private institution and our fest is strictly limited to 333 people! There will be a closed society!
The presale for this unique ceremony starts at the Imbolc Fest, Monday February 2nd, 2015, 0.00 a.m!
Please note, that you can only order 4 Tickets at most, including all the names of the visitors!
There will be a shuttle-service up and down the hill. There is a shuttle- and a park-ticket available which you can order directly with the festival ticket! Prices are 15 € for shuttle 2 days and 5 € for Parking! Please include this to your order!
Ticket Orders under: osdou@sbg.at
There are no Day Tickets available!
At this time we have some changes around our festival:
We have a lot of costs to bring up this ritual for you, so we want to let you know that all drinks you bring from the camping area to the festival area are forbidden!
We offer you food and drinks for good prices! All the meat and vegan products are from our region.
Support the Speckjaga – Coven!
Please note that we have another checkpoint this year, where you enter the festival area. There you´ll get your wristbands!
Don´t be stupid and come without a ticket, no one will be accepted!
Also keep in mind the following:
We want to inform you all once more, that the festivities up on our bare mountain have nothing to do with partying and being stupid! Its not a gathering for those who are just interested in getting wasted and jumping around like morons!
This is something spiritual for all of us, something emanating from the beyond and throughout our very hearts! There is so much authenticity, honesty and devotion interwoven within each single step the Speckjaga coven takes…respect that and all the spirits that come to gather up there in the sacred woods and hills!
The solstice ceremony on our holy and rejuvenating place is something which transcends an ordinary music festival! We want you to dive into the fiery and freeing spirits of nature and want you to feel the untamed and unfettered breath of the ancient dragon, that lurks, dwells and whispers from within the earth and behind every tree!
May you all assimilate this powerful and transforming spark within your very souls. May you all prosper, be rejuvenated and transformed by this unique and magical gathering. May the light of the sacred sun within shine with love and salvation.
Speckjaga, the year of light 2015