The Inner Abyss
Returned to a new world, locked down, terrorized and traumatized by the corrupt.
Masses devoured by warm shit – brainwashed by the media.
Faces smeared with creamy warmth, rushing into supermarkets – to run and to admire, to desire… the only gift they are looking for… There is no shimmer and no glitter… only fakes and spit!!!
Where is this world going?
In these days, when we shall come closer to our deepest inner selves to listen to the Krampen ghosts, we shall wander fearlessly, straight, and purposefully, to once again come closer to the power for which we were made.
The fires of House of the Holy IV will burn from 17-19 June MMXXI. The gathering is a closed society.
There are no invitations. Only invitations from MMXX will persist.
Chekk out our Artefakkts Chamber for healthy medicine, pendants and rags.
See you all strong and healthy
Frey im Geyste und niemandes Diener.
Wild Love and Mystik Fiar
Funkenfluag Society MMXX
Krampen Mond