Tag Archive for: ZMYRNA

Where mists weave like mysterious waves, whispering tales of sinister in the dead of darkest night, while flames danced like shadow phantoms in the nightsky.
Thank you so much for your dedicated chants and the reverberating echoes from the forest unknown.
TOTENFEUER GEYSTERWERK was pure madness and whorship!

Here, where the boundary between life and death blurs, darkness becomes the guardian of knowledge in the coming  dark times. Be tuned for what they will whisper soon unto your heartbeating souls.

Wild mystik fiar soar


Funkenfluag Society
Nebelmond MMXXIV



Exhales by Cartis Mandua

In  the samhain orifice our doors will be opened again for a unique and firey gathering in a small familiar realm upon the nightsky of Neudegg Alm!
Sign your Pakkts now under speckjaga@sbg.at!
Join the blacksmith seminar in blood and sweat!

Also we open again our Artefakkts Chamber with very limited and single pieces!  Take an insight here!

So be ready fort he times where the others murmur from the other side.
The Burning fire of the Totenreich will await you!

Funkenfluag Society
Weinmoon MMXXIV




We are proud to reveal TOTENFEUER/GEYSTERWERK for November 1 and 2, 2024.

In these times were everything is turned into fast plastic entertainment, we decided to open our halls again, to give you an insights into our work and what we stand for.

We proclaim artisanal brewing, wild hammering anvils, and burning forges!
Besides this hard work, the tattoo madness will also take over again to open your pusling veins!

Freyday – November 1, 2024

FREE ENTRY (Freyday only)

Day of the open Brewery & Cauldron with a small workshop in brewing beer

Blacksmith workshop with Thoradin Ambolt
5 persons per day will create their own knife in theory and practice
to apply for the blacksmith ritus, get in touch with us via speckjaga@sbg.at

The Tattoo Fleysch Madness will also strike again to open your veins on Friday and Saturday.
More info and appointments via Sebastjan Vodusek

Saturday – November 2, 2024

On Saturday, we celebrate the dead, and your ears will be driven wild by the bestial howlings of


Sign your Pakkt with full name and email address NOW via speckjaga@sbg.at

Brewing, Tattoo, and Blacksmith on both days.

We dedicate this ceremony to the everlasting Memory of Peter Kubik.

Wild and Mystik Fiar
Funkenfluag Society

Equinox MMXXIV