Tag Archive for: hoth

The strike of the wild „Percht“ is over.
Swollen eyes exhume a gift from the other side and we are proud to reveal the last act for the House of the Holy ceremony.

We hail ABSU from the deepest on our burning grounds  to finish this thunderous Line Up MMXXV.


Wild Love and Mystik Fiar

Funkenfluag Society
Frostmond MMXXV

Thank you so much for the tremendous response of last night curses.
We close the link of whorship from now on! Its time to sort the chaos. All those lucky souls will hear from us soon!
We see you at the gates of the Holy Mountain!

Here in this chamber we added the fruits of our work during the autum times.
Cold bonfires with tastes of firey oak, wild berry lick-hery burned from the strong cold water of Life!

Within the next days we return with more spells, keep your eyes wide open!


Lux ex Tenebris

Funkenfluag Society
Krampen Mond

The „Chariot of snakes aflame“ artwork is engraven by the mighty hands of Abyssic Craft!
All layouts are done by Tumulash.

Beware! Chekk back tonight 9pm, you lurking souls are able to send your applications, cut your words with blood and fire.

Wild love and mystik fiar – Krampen mit uns!

Funkenfluag Society
Krampenmond MMXXIV

From the Void – Funkenfluag Society

The void and abyss is open from now on.
You can send your applications for the House of the Holy ceremony yet under this banner down below.
Be purposeful, read the instructions carefully!
For every application are only 5 participants allowed. Send full names and the right Email address of every participant.
Very important – for each name we need a valid Email address. Otherwise your mail and effort will be deleted!

Here we go! Swear to Fire application_hoth25@funkenfluag.at

Goat mit uns!

Funkenfluag Society
Krampen Mond MMXXIV

„Chariot of Snakes aflame“ Artwork by Abyssic Craft / Above Abyss
Layouts into „Golden Fire“ by Tumulash

Come closer and see, howling woods bursting in sacrifices, crushing like molten bones at the stakes of freedom!
This is our journey, this is our temple! We will burn the Sky!

Uli Jon Roth

Be untamed, ye wild and free!

Funkenfluag Society
Krampen Mond MMXXIV

Desolate temples shiver by the ceremonial bloodshed. Howling they’ll come, fueled by lust and lunacy. We reveal the beasts named as:


Hail Spirit Noir
Goat Semen
Bestial Raids
Cold Earth
Weathered Crest


Be untamed, ye wild and free!

Funkenfluag Society
Krampen Mond MMXXIV

In this desert of the lost, suffering in laws and nothingness, we nail the first speakers of freedom into your maltreat hearts.
Cut the curtain. Here we go through:

The Aeons Torn
Cold in Berlin
Thy Darkened Shade


Be untamed, ye wild and free!

Funkenfluag Society
Krampen Mond MMXXIV

His hooves strike with thunderous might.
Ghastly howles and mouths of fire! The bearded beast spits the lustful drops into the night sky.
Be untamed, ye wild and free! As burning ash in winds glamourous flight.

Beware… Soon.

Funkenfluag Society
Krampen Mond MMXXV

Paintings in Fire, Ash and Snow by Cartis Mandua

Gather, sons and daughters, to feast upon the flames of the coming chaos.
Mark the date for HOUSE OF THE HOLY deep within your burning flesh. The evangelium of fire will prevail.

More chants will be unleashed, more cuts will follow. Soon. Be prepared!

Wild and Mystik Fiar Arise!

Funkenfluag Society
Nebelmond MMXXIV

Artwork graven by Abyssic Craft   Layout into Gold by Tumulash

The fruits of live by B.R.

Hiding in the forest by Cartismandua

Where mists weave like mysterious waves, whispering tales of sinister in the dead of darkest night, while flames danced like shadow phantoms in the nightsky.
Thank you so much for your dedicated chants and the reverberating echoes from the forest unknown.
TOTENFEUER GEYSTERWERK was pure madness and whorship!

Here, where the boundary between life and death blurs, darkness becomes the guardian of knowledge in the coming  dark times. Be tuned for what they will whisper soon unto your heartbeating souls.

Wild mystik fiar soar


Funkenfluag Society
Nebelmond MMXXIV



Exhales by Cartis Mandua