Tag Archive for: black metal

Like fiery hearts, under powerful force, dawning in fire…
The portal is open.
The oath of fire can be sworn.

Smear your spells onto this magick pakkt and seal it with blood!

<no more oaths to be sworn>

We wish you goat luck in the following nights.

Respekt nature and the whispers within…

Krampen über uns!
Funkenflug Society
Oskorai Mond MMXXIII

Layout by Salowe Vision
Artwork by Tumulash

After this night of all nights, the wind of the wild hunters blow. This massive storm of resonance thrills us to outer Dimensions.

Please wait patiently for the next murmur from the spirits beyond. Soon, your Letters can be writen as the application link for Pakkts will be unleashed.

The roaring footage of this ceremonial teaser was manifested by the hands of Cartismandua.

For so long, we have walked this path with great passion!
Now we have reached another step towards the stairway of our burning eyes ceremony and the universe!

With utter pride and an eternal dream to dance in the eternal flames – to raise our cups of fruity wine – to swear the oath of the black blood to the devil himself, we proclaim


Bones erect in the wild, primal night, as the Inferno’s ador’ mildly swayed!
In the hearts rhythm they found their light, a feral but zealous fight that could never fail.

Soon, you’ll be able to send your application.
Check back on December 3rd, 9 pm CET, to carve your words into to this ultimate storm of fire and madness!

Funkenfluag Society

Oskoreia Moon MMXXIII

Blood Caligraphy, Layout & Design by Salowe Vision

Artwork by Tumulash

Soon we’ll approach the highly acclaimed ceremony we’re all burning for!
Here are some changes and information you all shall read!

Due to force majeure our brothers from MOSAIC and PAKKT have to cancel their shows at the House of the Holy!
Instead, Brazil’s MYSTIFIER will blow their hellish fire into the audience!

About changes in your PAKKTS:
Please write to pakktvm@funkenfluag.at until June 10th, 12:00h CEST.
Later changes will not be accepted!

All updated information about the running order, shuttles, the Highland Games, and artists will be added to the handout (Check your invitation mails for the Link).
Please note that all products that we offer are regional! No cheap wine and food will be served!
„Das Leben ist zu kurz, um schlechten Wein zu trinken!“

We’re looking forward to the ultimate ceremony in the high Alps of Abtenau!

See you next week!!!
Please note, the ceremony is totally sold out!
Without a signed PAKKT, there is no chance to enter!

Torches high!!!
Wild Love and Mystik Fiar

Funkenfluag Society
Litha Moon MMXXIII

Visions become flesh – fire upon your soul!
We signed the Pakkt in the cathedral of darkness for the Hexenwahn Ritus!

VENOM into their throats,
BELPHEGOR, the everlasting sacramental fire,
wild staring eyes of liberty ARS GOATIA,

Inhale the magick of this gathering. Let the red rivers flow over the soil
like roaring thunder to shake the earth.

Blessed and glorious will be your flight in this night’ s temple
under a drowned universe, May 14, MMXXII. Howlings to speckjaga@sbg.at

We expect you, on private soil and with solid rules!

Wild Love and Mystik Fiar

Funkenfluag Society
Liachtmess Moon Howling MMXXII

From the grave of cold harsh winter, this is the revelation for our endless thirst and your fiery flesh!

Due several reasons the Black Metal Revenge is canceled.
Our answer to this is the HEXENWAHN Night on May 14!

The Line up will be unleashed soon, but please notice, this will be the ultimate Revenge!!!
To all those who signed the Pakkt for the Black Metal Revenge: Your Pakkts remain valid!
More infos will follow within the next days!

As a small solace to those who cun’t wait,
we are holding a gathering in our area with bonfires, fiery stuff and devilish music on March 5!!

Night of Unholy MetalAll who have a signed Pakkt may come by for free!

We want to thank you all for your total support, trust and patience in these turbulent times!
Soon, the storm will be over and better times will follow!

Bursting Wild Love and Mystik Fiar

Funkenfluag Society
Liachtmess MMXXII

Disobedience and Joy

Before the Winter is coming, we want to invite you to join the ranks at Neudegg Alm once this year.
Here we go with the cold winds of the old Kult, for the seeds have grown to strong roots.
This Purity shall be praised in the profane light of the Dark.

  • Schirenc plays PUNGENT STENCH [excl. “Been Caught Buttering” set]
  • ROOT [Evil Black Metal pioneers]
  • Triumphant (Austrian Black Nihilism)

Join us in this wild magickal dance and raise your chalice high to the MoonHarvest Moon MMXX

Wild Love and Mystik Fiar

Funkenfluag Society

Note: You will be on a private ground. Invitations for this gathering ONLY under this banner application@funkenfluag.at
Please note that this ceremony is a closed society and limited to 150 people. You can only participate if you send us an email. All other infos will follow after a signed Pakt!

Chekk our Artefakkts Chamber for some goods from atop the Mountain