Tag Archive for: abtenau

“Now I become one with the creatures of the forest
Now I am howling with the blowing Winds
the blistering flames flow like water through my eyes,
a dance of the universe”

Fire, fire down from the mountains below and let there be light within darkness!
Drunk as the gods, to be and to act like the gods!
Wonderful dreams, inspiration and creativity shall follow your harsh.
Nights and days of winter!

In this night of the dead, we announce the next flight of the House of the Holy Ceremony, and this is set for the Moon of June XX-XXII, MMXIX.

House of the Holy III - MMXIX House of the Holy III - MMXIX

The powerful pictures and musick were done by Shazzula + Nebula + Vultura
in the Austrian Alps.
Lugnashad MMXVIII.

Thanx to Deha!

All Artists of this wilderness will be announced during the coming weeks before the “Rauhnächte”.

The time for signing your Pact under the gods of nature is set for December IX, MMXVIII.
Your order shall be done under info@funkenfluag.at  at 11pm. (Add full names of the participants & only 4 ppl per order).

Illustrations for the ”Mountain Goat” done by Joseph Deegan
“Every man & every woman is a star” illustration by Irrwish.
Logo by Karmazid.

Stay tuned for the proud whispers from the other side, listen to the worlds below!
Imagination is all.


Blessed Samhain – wild Love and Mystik Fiar

At this year’s House of the Holy, HEXVESSEL performed “Our Mother the Mountain” by Townes Van Zandt in a spontaneous backstage session.

Musick enlightens people!