Imbolc Blessings
Now we banish Winter and we welcome Spring…
Blessings of the growing light
Blessings of the quickening earth
Blessings of the morning chorus
Blessings of the first shy flowers
Blessings of Nature waking
Blessings of Maiden singing
Briganti’s fire light your path
Briganti’s blessings on your hearth.
Summer Solstice Celebration 2014 was sold out within 3 hours!
It’s unbelievable, this response! We thank you all for your support, your devotion and passion.
You will get your infos at the time of Ostara.
There are no orders accepted anymore!
Keep the homefires burning, and keep the flame of liberty alive.
Respect Nature and the spirits of Nature in any Kind!
The noble men on their chosen paths will stay proud and strong. Shine in this world of desecration and rape as fearless flames.
In Love and Light