HOUSE OF THE HOLY – Okkult Musick Gathering

Under the December-moon we are proud to dive into the next Zyklus of an unique and spiritual Musick gathering!
A next step higher into the unseen and hidden!
We never want to do Repetition. So we changed many things to crest to the highest, to create a better musick ceremony in all positive ways!

Wolves find each other…an old spell!
Some old ones leave, some new ones are going to come. New blood and fresh energy joined the pack of the Funkenflug Society.

The art concept for House of the Holy is done by David Glomba/Teitan Arts.
Irrwisch Art Design smeared the HOTH Logo/Sighul with Blut und Asch.
Movie Teaser  Visualisations by EARTH WATER FIRE production.
Sunvemetal banned the elements into a visual form.

Those will came and in fervency their choirs shall be heard:

The presale for this ride towards the longest day starts in the end of the Rauhnächte, while Huldra is returning into the Reich of the ancestors.
Please note that you join a closed society.
Only 4 Tickets per order under specifications of your names  are accepted!
Sign your pact at the 6th of January, 2017, 0.00 am under this one:

The mountains call with wild Love and mystic Fire
See you on the other side

Funkenflug Society / HOTH
Wintermass MMXVI