Dance of Snakes upon the mountain chalice
The trees where dancing to the beats of the musick, while the entrance to the universe was open, our minds connected with the hearts of the dead! We moved from time to time, out of space where everything stands still!
A Mass of Winter was created! Now Father Winter you can come, with your cold warmness, and with your burning ice!
After five elementary rituals in the Autumn Times, together with the firy Stars from Bölzer, Svartidaudi, Egg of Gomorrh, Horna, Shaarimoth, Thy Darkened Shade, Mosaic, Grift, Nahtrunar, Ore, Black Witchery, Possession, King Dude, Caronte and Ruins of Beaverast this tribe blow a blast into the dark times of a new beginning! Now silence and rest is still in the house of wilderness and freedom!
We listen now to the spells from the otherside and find new paths.
Unspoken murmurs and wild reflective winternights will come across the harsh mountain sides.
Beyond the veil of perishabillity the spirits of this great artist will shine through their glorious art in photopaintings and blood.
Thanx to Saskia Gaulke, Björn Frank, Anita Petzold….for your dedicated work around this rituals!
To all of you, you possessed and fiery souls, you wonderful children of the dawn, thank you so much for making this hellride possible, it will be forever a cut in the flesh of history and never forgotten!
More news regarding the House of the Holy Akt II will come soon!
The guiding light will shine
Funkenflug Society / Samhain MMXVII