Tag Archive for: music

Soon we’ll approach the highly acclaimed ceremony we’re all burning for!
Here are some changes and information you all shall read!

Due to force majeure our brothers from MOSAIC and PAKKT have to cancel their shows at the House of the Holy!
Instead, Brazil’s MYSTIFIER will blow their hellish fire into the audience!

About changes in your PAKKTS:
Please write to pakktvm@funkenfluag.at until June 10th, 12:00h CEST.
Later changes will not be accepted!

All updated information about the running order, shuttles, the Highland Games, and artists will be added to the handout (Check your invitation mails for the Link).
Please note that all products that we offer are regional! No cheap wine and food will be served!
„Das Leben ist zu kurz, um schlechten Wein zu trinken!“

We’re looking forward to the ultimate ceremony in the high Alps of Abtenau!

See you next week!!!
Please note, the ceremony is totally sold out!
Without a signed PAKKT, there is no chance to enter!

Torches high!!!
Wild Love and Mystik Fiar

Funkenfluag Society
Litha Moon MMXXIII

Gather ye thirsty and feast on the cauldron.
Open the Door beyond, rejoce at the ultimate climax in the alps and seethe your drunken fruits at this saturnalia with those nebular hordes.

September 18, 2021

MGLA, Doombringer, Medico Peste

In the fog fill the chalice with blood under: speckjaga@sbg.at

See you there anew, trampling with the heartbeat of the world.

Here are new drunken, hammered, hancrafted,  loomed and embroidered reliques from above the mountain.
All these goods are handmade in sweat and blood.


Thank you for your  support and your loyality  in this harsh and cursed times
Stay Strong and healthy, walk  around in the cold nights, reflect and never loose the fire

Wild love and Mystik Fiar

Funkenfluag Society
Ostara Moon MMXXI