Hold high the old traditions of the alps

Hail to you in this prosperous new year! This is the final line up for the Midsummer Solstice Celebration 2014:

We are proud to announce, that those amazing artists come to perform their sacred arts on our alpine pasture, our sanctuary, a place of rejuvenation and strength, were the breath of the ancient ones is still lingering and their fires burning evermore!

It is one of the most intense mixtures in musick culture! Ancient highland traditions interweaved with love and favour for musick and spirituality! Enjoy and be a part of this unique 2 day ritual highlight in 2014!

The advance ticket sale starts around LICHTMESS, 2nd of February!
Get in touch to order your admission ticket under: speckjaga@sbg.at

This year we are also proud to announce some special innovations:
We celebrate Summer Solstice 2 Days! We wanna bring you closer to our rite of the fallen light!! Come with pure passion & devotion!

Important note:
This is not any kind of drinking spree, if you look for a party please stay away and don´t waste our time or the time of the participants that want to seriously immerse into the currents that are going to be set free during this ecstatical time of magic and dedication!

There will be a shuttle service for both days!
New Merchandise will be made available within the next weeks!
More information in the coming weeks!

This is our Message to all of you:
Respect nature and the spirits of nature in any kind!
Live as noble man on your chosen path, don´t steal, don´t lie and don´t fear anything!!

The Speckjagas await you on the bare mountain
Shine in love and lite!

Speckjagas, Winter 2014